Wonder… Have you watched it?

My family and I sat down to watch the movie, “Wonder” last night.  I know…it was out a long time ago…but none the less…we watched it last night.  I cannot believe the impact it had on me.  Have you seen it?  If you have not, I highly recommend sitting down with your family and watching it.

There are so many messages and themes that can be pulled out of this movie.  There are many things that we can talk about with our children in terms of small, subtle messages and big picture messages.  You will find messages of the importance of friendship, how to have tolerance, the power of inner beauty, and family interactions that make you think…  It has bullying, tearful moments (lots for me), and laughter as well.  It is worth your time.  I promise.

It is a movie that throughout your time watching, you can say…”How does that make you feel?”  “What would you do in that situation?”  “What will happen next?”  “Why do you think they acted that way?”  These conversations with our children are important and this movie is an easy way to get the conversation started.  It is worth your time.  I promise.

I would love to know what you and your family had to say about it when you watched it or when you watch it.  Let me know!


3 thoughts on “Wonder… Have you watched it?

  1. My family also just watched this movie. Even though my children are 20 and 16, the discussions sparked by this movie were insightful and important. Empathy for others and acceptance of those who are not like us are always great topics for conversation. Great movie!

  2. The Overways love Wonder and have watched it several times! Life is hard sometimes, sometimes alot, and where you cannot control what happens to you… you can control how you move forward!

  3. James gave me the book and said, “Mom you need to read this book.” I haven’t started it yet, but the book and the movie impacted him.

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