National Blue Ribbon Nominee

Exciting News!

Holmes Elementary and Jeffers Elementary were 2 schools out of only 13 schools in Michigan that were nominated by the Michigan Department of Education to receive a National Blue Ribbon Nomination.  From here, we complete an application to see if we can become a National Blue Ribbon School.  We have received some media attention…  Check out the links below…

Two schools, one district nominated for National Blue Ribbon Award

2 thoughts on “National Blue Ribbon Nominee

  1. High fives all the way around! So many pieces to the successful puzzle at Holmes Elementary! Holmes sweet Holmes!

  2. Congratulations again to Spring Lake Public Schools. I graduated SLHS in 1967 and soon found out upon entering college how great the education was in S L compared to other schools. I am very proud and pleased that three of my grandchildren are in Blue Ribbon Holmes.
    Gary Bailey, D.O., J.D.

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